How to Dye Easter Eggs Naturally
Prep Time
1 hr
Cook Time
1 hr
Total Time
2 hrs

Dye Easter eggs naturally using onion skins, red cabbage, raspberries, spices, and other items in your garden or pantry is a great alternative than the commercial dye kits or food coloring.

Author: Savory Sweet Life
  • Red cabbage blue
  • Turmeric yellow
  • Red onion skins red
  • Spinach green
  • Crushed red raspberries pink
  • Coffee brown
  • Beets pink or maroon
  • Water
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar per cup of dye
  • baking soda optional
  • White or brown hard boiled eggs
  • optional: oil
  1. For two cups of dye, you will need one cup of raw food with the exception of the turmeric
  2. (1/4 cup) and coffee (use as is).
  3. Chop each of the vegetables or skins.
  4. Bring different pots of water to boil and add the chopped ingredient.
  5. Allow the water to boil for five minutes before turning off the heat.
  6. Allow the water to cool in the pot until room temperature, at least one hour.
  7. Strain the water using a fine mesh strainer.
  8. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to each cup of dye.
  9. Dip the eggs in enough dye so the egg is covered.
  10. Allow the eggs to rest in the dye long enough until your desired intensity of color.
  11. Some colors take longer than others to adhere and may require to  sit in a color bath overnight in the refrigerator.
  12. Dry the eggs and store in the original egg crate.
  13. For a glossier egg, buff and shine each egg with a little bit of oil on a paper tower.
  14. Finished eggs should be refrigerated until ready to eat.