Julie Van Rosendaal (@dinnerwithjulie ) is an amazing woman. Within three weeks she miraculously put together a (fundraising) cookbook with 100% of the proceeds going towards the Haiti relief efforts. I am happy to announce Julie’s compassionate vision became reality today. This gorgeous cookbook went on sale this morning and already has raised over $20,000 (with matching contributions by West Canadian Graphics, Blurb, and the Canadian government) to be donated to Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.
Twenty-seven chefs, food writers, and bloggers (myself included) contributed 72 recipes and beautiful photos for “Blog Aid – Recipes For Haiti Cookbook” which is available for purchase in hardcover ($50 US) or softcover ($25 US).
Please consider supporting this cookbook. The sale of each cookbook will help the relief efforts in Haiti and will impact the lives of many.
Julie: Thank you for inviting me to collaborate in such a meaningful, beautiful project. Your vision, compassion, and hard work will impact the lives of so many people. You’re awesome, lady!
More information:
-Preview the book here.
-Information about Blog Aid and a list of contributors can be found at the Blog Aid blog.
West Canadian Graphics and Blurb are matching proceeds up to $10,00 and the Canadian government is matching proceeds until Feb. 12, 2010.
Pierre Cortez says
Thank you so much for sharing this informative content..
I can apply it to my daily lives.. 🙂 Keep on posting!! GodBless
minato-alvin says
Charles Henri Baker (born June 3, 1955) is a Haitian industrialist and former Haitian Presidential Candidate. Baker was a candidate for president in Haiti’s 2006 election. He initially billed himself as an independent and allied himself with the Komba de Chavannes Jean Baptiste and Evans Lescouflair party.
Paula says
good information
alice says
I will ask and get back to you!
Pamela Leiper says
How do I purchase a copy???
dining room tables says
The book cover was well done and it is really been thought of. Thumbs up for this. Haiti people really needs help.
Divina says
Wow, what a great cookbook for a great cause. I love the book cover too. They might available in amazon soon.