The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. from Baking Without Fear. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe.
Introduction from the Daring Kitchen site:
In the United States, the term “macaroon” generally refers to a cookie made primarily of coconut. But European macarons are based on either ground almonds or almond paste, combined with sugar and egg whites. The texture can run from chewy, crunchy or a combination of the two. Frequently, two macaroons are sandwiched together with ganache, buttercream or jam, which can cause the cookies to become more chewy. The flavor possibilities and combinations are nigh endless, allowing infinitely customizable permutations.
My Summary:
For this month’s challenge I decided on a matcha macaron with a vanilla spiced filling. My macarons did not have “feet” when they baked. This is due to not letting them sit long enough before baking. I decided not to beat myself over the head and re-do the challenge. Instead if you are really interested in making these wonderful cookies, there is only one person I consider a Master in the art of macarons, and this would be Tartelette. She has posted several versions of macarons with straight forward instructions and inspiring photos on how to sucessfully make and bake them.
I’m glad to have had this challenge but I’m even more glad its over.
Great job! Love the idea of matcha macarons!
Ha. I’m glad it wasn’t just me. If you decide to make them again use Helen’s recipe.
I agree – they were really tough!! I only had three that were remarkably photogenic, the rest… not so much.
Sounds like a tasty combo, even without feet! If I decide to give the macs another shot, I plan on trying one of Tartlette’s recipes. I have heard that others had luck with David Lebovitz’s recipe, too.
Hi Chris,
I had been looking around for Matcha for some time now. I am told Whole Foods sells it.. but I found mine at a place called Central Market. It is an upscale grocery store in Seattle and oddly enough they sold it in their bulk food section. I am also told you can find it on Bakerella did a chocolate matcha cake a few months back and I believe she purchased it from My friend who is a Japanese pastry chef buys all her matcha in Japan because the quality is superior to anything you can buy here (according to her). Hope this helps!
Where did you buy your matcha? I’m looking for a place to buy (probably online because I hear negative things in regards to locations in my town), but I want a good review first. 🙂
Also, I’m sure the macarons were delightful even without “feet”.
Feet or no feet, your macs are gorgeous! The brilliant colour, coupled with the flavours, make a perfect score in my books.
Wow, these look just amazing.
so funny that you are glad its over. I agree about Tartelette.
Hahaha! I’m glad it’s over too! Whew! I resigned myself to make them one time only. I’m not a huge fan of that much sugar, so it was bearable. Sometimes the battle is just doing the challenge!
I do hope you get to tackle them again! You are so close!
I love your flavor choice Alice!
I love the color. I’ve always been a bit intimidated about making these. I guess it’s the whole baking process of it. I’ll try it eventually. For now I’ll just eat up the ones made by someone else. Got anymore? ;-D
I hate it when I try and do something too quickly and don’t get the desired result. But yours look like such delicious cookies, feet or not feet. Beautiful flavors!
I love the beautiful color of your macarons! At first I thought maybe you made mint flavor:) I agree that Tartelette makes great macarons. I was so excited when she said my macarons looked successful…it was one of the first times I felt really accomplished after finishing a challenge.
Aaaargh! What a bummer! The Mac Goblin strikes! Despite the fact that they didn’t turn out how you wanted, I think they have a certain rustic appeal (and I bet they were delish)!
I love the color that the matcha brings. Beautiful.
Oh what a shame! I love the flavour of your macaron and the colour is so pretty too.
Matcha and vanilla sound so good and I think they look lovely. I too am relieved this challenge is over. Mine were disastrous!
Aw, hun I feel for you. I’m going through the DB fail as I type.
The colors are beautiful and I’m sure your macaron flavors turned out well. I love that even if the recipe didn’t turn out right, you still have a pretty picture up! 😀
The colors are beautiful and the flavors sound perfect together! Good for you for taking on the real challenge.