It’s been a week since our family started the Least Challenging Challenge sponsored by the producers of Silk non-dairy products. As it would turn out, what began as a hesitant reaction to switch to Silk Light Vanilla Soy and Silk Pure Vanilla Almond milk from our regular milk products has now become a non-issue for our family, even the kids.
Abigail loved seeing everyone drink “her” milk as my other daughter drank both the light vanilla soy and the vanilla almond milk interchangeably. My son only would drink the almond milk, which delighted me because I have wanted him to drink less dairy and more of other types of milk products. My husband and I loved drinking the Silk Pure Vanilla Almond milk. It really is smooth and somehow feels indulgent.
Although drinking Silk Dark Chocolate Almond milk was not part of this challenge, we did drink some of this type of milk during the challenge. It tastes so good that we treat it like a late night not-so-guilty snack.
As a mother I enjoyed this challenge because I don’t like being dependent on a certain type of milk. Instead, I want my children to be able to enjoy different types of non-dairy options, especially considering all the wonderful health benefits both Silk Light Vanilla Soy and Silk Pure Almond Vanilla milk contain. Less calories, more calcium, protein packed, and high in Vitamin E makes these Silk products a new staple in our home. Not just for Abigail but for all of us. Although the challenge is over we will continue to buy these Silk products because we love how they taste and I love knowing how good it is for us!
Disclosure:This challenge was underwritten by Silk.
alice says
Thanks Carolina for your words of encouragment. Have you tried the Silk Dark Chocolate Almond milk or the their coconut milk? Both are outstanding! I find subing Asian coconut milk works really well in most recipes. Did you know you can even whip Asian coconut milk into whipped cream? Maybe I should do a post about that.
Carolina says
I’ve followed your blog, more for the sake of your non-dairy food creations (Thank you for the wacky depression cake, I miss pastries the most!). I found out as an adult that I was lactose intolerant, luckily at the time I was a restaurant manager and had been trained on food adaptations.
I’m glad that you took on this challenge with Silk as I’m sure this was a great teaching experience for your children to embrace the milk alternatives. As the only person in my family with lactose intolerance, its hard when I’m the only person in my family drinking my almond milk (which I fully agree works wonders in coffee, I personally call it healthy liquid candy). Its especially harder around other families who cook very heavily with dairy. With the ongoing culture change and understanding of milk allergies & lactose intolerance, I’m sure we’ll see a change in cooking styles, if not better labeling.
So, thanks for being an active speaker about this. It means a lot!
Betsey says
I tried both. I couldn’t get over the little floatie things in the almond milk and didn’t like the articifical sweetener in the low calorie options. Back to skim I went.
shannon says
Silk almond milk is GREAT. So much better than dairy. Soy milk, on the other hand, is one of the myths of health. Soy is terrible for us as it has artificial hormones (phyto-estrogens) that mess with the delicate balance in our bodies. Switching from dairy is great…stick with almond milk. It is fantastic. For your health, avoid soy in all forms.