I’m so excited to share with you this simple but amazing blueberry sauce. This recipe is very similar to the cranberry sauce recipe I shared on the site months ago, but make no mistake, this blueberry sauce does not take a back seat to no other. My breakfast today went from ordinary to extraordinary when I spooned this warm blueberry sauce over my stack of pancakes. I could not help but feel so spoiled while eating it. I can’t explain in words how awesome this simple blueberry sauce really is, you will just have to make it yourself to understand why I love it so much. Trust me, if you pour this warm sauce over pancakes you will feel like you died and gone to heaven – that good. Best of all, this recipe is ridiculously easy. If you cannot cook and you make this for your friends and family, they’ll suddenly think you’ve gone gourmet on them.
You know what the best part about this recipe is? I used frozen blueberries!! You could easily use fresh berries but in this case frozen blueberries really work beautifully. This sauce would be perfect over pancakes, french toast, blitzes, crepes, cheesecake, ice cream, or any recipe calling for a fruit sauce. I highly recommend serving this sauce while its warm. If you’re planning on making pancakes or french toast soon why not add some homemade blueberry sauce on top? This sauce will turn any simple breakfast into a special morning. Enjoy!
Homemade Blueberry Sauce
2 cups frozen blueberries
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
Optional: 2 teaspoons grated orange zest/rind (I highly recommend adding the rind)
Cook blueberries, sugar, and water on medium-high heat for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Turn heat off and stir in orange rind. Serve immediately while warm. Makes approx. 1 1/4 cups of sauce. Enjoy!
Just saw this recipe- most definitely can’t wait till tomorrow morning… We are having breakfast for dinner !
No.. keep the ratio the same.
I make pancakes every weekend and need some change. We have an abundance of strawberries and blueberries in our garden… should I add more sugar/water if using fresh berries?
I had a craving for something blueberry and found this recipe. It is very good. I also fixed Oven Baked Pancakes from http://www.grouprecipes.com
Just made this sauce, and it really IS amazing!!! I never really thought of myself as a fruit-sauce type of person, but this truly is delicious. I adapted it to what I had, though: substituted agave for sugar and added 3 tsp kudzu starch to thicken it. I also opted to use orange zest, which really brought it up to a whole new level. I left all of the proportions alone besides that. Definitely a keeper! One last note – it is a great substitute for jam in yogurt, if you don’t like all the extra sugar that comes with a lot of yogurt. Thanks for the great recipe!!
We have been using a recipe similar to this but it includes corn starch. We’ll have to try this one next time because it still looks thick, but not so much as the one we’ve been using. I especially like the idea of adding the orange zest. Great photos!
I was making my favorite buttermilk pancakes this morning and remembered this recipe near the end of cooking them all. My hubby was willing to wait an extra ten minutes so I could prepare it and it was simply fabulous! I only had mixed frozen berries (bluberries, raspberries & blackberries) so I used those and it was incredible. I don’t think we’ll ever use maple syrup again! Thank you so much for sharing this simple and delicious sauce recipe.
That picture is the most attractive thing I’ve seen today so far. Thanks for sharing your recipe! I can’t wait to try it!
Oh my it does look indulgent, indeed! Thanks for sharing such a simple and delicious recipe with us :).
Looks delicious! I’ve made a version of this before, using lemon zest instead of orange, but I bet orange is really good here! I love your photo – and how you topped those pancakes with as much sauce as you could possibly do!
This sauce does look amazing! My hubby is a blueberry fanatic, so I’m sure he’d love it. 🙂
I ended up making these for breakfast on Sunday. Soooo good!
now that’s blueberry sauce!
That is really stylish appetizer and easy to make delicious recipe. I just purchased the beautiful blueberries today. I think those blueberry pancakes will have to stay on the back burner for a while. I will make this recipe and serve it with a slice of pound cake. Brie and Blueberries, Brilliant!
Thanks for sharing!!
Best Regards,
This blueberry sauce on blintzes would be absolutely amazing. I normally like mine simple with just cinnamon sugar but this sauce would be a very welcomed addition. Oh so yummy! And great photography.
I love simple and amazing recipes. This one looks perfect!
gorgeous presentation!
Woke up this morning and saw this and was so excited. Had a breakfast with family scheduled and was making crepes and this was a perfect addition! Yummy. My boys finished off the sauce tonight on some vanilla ice cream.
This looks wonderful! I Love blueberries and I ADORED your cranberry sauce! Gonna have to make some, stat!
Do you think any leftover sauce would keep well in fridge or or even the freezer ( that is IF there are any leftovers!)
thanks Alice!!
Yum, I love fresh blueberry sauce on homemade waffles. This recipe sounds fabulous, your photos are gorgeous!
Your pictures have me absolutely drooling at this for breakfast. Looks incredible delicious!
The title says it all. The sauce is mouthwatering and I’m craving for some pancakes after reading this post and looking at the photos.
I have blueberries and buttermilk in the fridge. I know exactly what I’m making for breakfast tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration:-)
This sauce looks mouth watering, and the photos are great! I love the butter on the sauce, you can tell its slowly starting to melt. Delicious!
Alice, your photos are simply awe-inspiring. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the blueberries =D.