Today is the final day of the Hunger Challenge. Although I already know I stayed under budget, it seems irrelevant. I confess this challenge has struck a nerve in me which continues to disturb me. Being able to cook and bake even on a budget has been challenging but doable. But what about the part of the challenge that is suppose to bring awareness to Hunger? Am I more empathic to those who go hungry each day? I’ve already shared that I grew up in a family with 6 kids and little means. I know what it’s like to go without and how hard it can be to get by. I watched my mom eat rice and water soup while giving us kids whatever else there was to eat. Now that I think about it, she ate rice and water soup quite often. When we were hungry we would look in the pantry and see what type of canned food was available for us to eat. Often times it was apple sauce or canned corn. Definitely not much variety. And with 6 kids, not much food. Since then so many things have changed. Even though our family is on one income, our kids have never experienced hunger.
Then there is my husband. He and I were talking about our childhoods this morning and I thought I would share a little bit of his story. He is one of three sons raised by his single mother. When she was not working she was in school. He was a free lunch kid too and he remembers eating out of large cans of peanut butter as well as hot dog and potato soup. Often times his mother wouldn’t eat because she wanted to make sure all three boys were fed.
I share this with you because I want people to know that I understand hunger. Like my husband, our family ate food from the food bank and utilized the free lunches at school. I think this is why this challenge disturbs me so much because I don’t really like remembering the hard times. However, having to remember explains why I enjoy food so much now. I do feel like I have something to prove to myself in all this- that even on a food stamp budget I don’t ever have to eat rice and water soup, I know my kids will never have to eat canned apple sauce or peanut butter in white and black lettered labels, and most importantly I can provide balanced meals for my family even on a limited budget.
I recognize there are families out there who are struggling to put food on the table. In fact I have a friend who hasn’t paid her mortgage in months and is still struggling to put food on the table. She utilizes the local food bank and it’s difficult to watch her and her family being limited to what is given to them especially because she enjoys food like me. But in her case, she is unable to just buy what she wants, she just has to make do with what she has. I’ve been thinking about her a lot this week. Although we have/do share meals with them, as a mom I know it must be difficult for her and family to struggle. Is there hope for her?
No matter what the results of this challenge I hope we can all be mindful of those around us who experience hunger and somehow respond.
As for our household we have decided to donate to Northwest Harvest. When you donate to NW Harvest during the month of April, philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein will match (“Feinstein Challenge”) a portion of your donation to hunger relief agencies across the nation including NW Harvest.
Therefore I am challenging other Food Bloggers taking the Hunger Challenge or anyone else reading this to donate to your local food bank or United Way King County. I will match everyone’s collective donation up to $200 Total. So if you can donate even $1, I’ll match it $1. In other words, if you all collectively donate $200, I’ll donate another $200 and that is $400 to go towards fighting Hunger. So just leave a comment letting me know that you *have* donated with the $$ amount and the name of the organization you donated to. My mini matching campaign will end Sunday night at midnight. So spread the word and lets see if we can raise $400 by Midnight Sunday.
I’ll be writing my final blog post tonight of what we ate and spent. I hope you’ve enjoyed following me and everyone else participating, because I know I have. I’ve made some new foodie friends and I can honestly I do have a new heightened awareness of Hunger like I haven’t had since I was a kid. Thanks United Way for sponsoring the Hunger Challenge!
Alice of Savory Sweet Life.
Todd Girouard says
Hi Alice,
Thank you so much for taking the Hunger Challenge and for giving to Northwest Harvest! Thanks too for the mention. I know this will inspire others to give and that means more food for those who need it; and that’s more people than ever these days, as we all know. I think a lot of us can relate to your stories; both the relative “extravagances” many of us take for granted like our latte’s and dining out (seems like drops in the bucket, but boy, it adds up, even as we tell ourselves “we deserve it!”)and those “lean” times so many of us went through at some point in our lives. Good for you and your husband for all you do. Keep on writing and reaching for a better way!
alice says
Thanks for the donations Jak and Kelly. I donated $200 today (the last day of the Feinstein Challenge) to NW Harvest. So altogether that is $325 which will go to feed the hungry. And I am also aware other Food Bloggers also donated so that is wonderful because every little bit helps.
Kelly Cline says
Such an inspiring story. Growing up our family had it rough as well. My brother and I were on the free lunch program at school and I remember times when all we had to eat were a can of beans to split between 4 people. I watched my parents starve themselves so my brother and I could eat.
One thing that I do not take for granted in this world is food. I have a great passion and respect for it. But often when we are in a position of being on the “Have” side of the fence, it is easy to forget the “Have Not” side of that very same fence. It is good to be reminded, you are an inspiration.
I have just donated $50 to Northwest Harvest. They are good people there doing a really wonderful thing, just like you.
jak says
Are you still going to do your matching? If so, I just donated $75 to Northwest Harvest and requested the Feinstein Challenge match (thanks for the tip!). My employer will also be matching my contribution… some good multipliers here!
Shelly Borrell says
WOW. Very interesting and well written. I need to do this challange at some point. I know it will be hard but good for me — And then I’d have too much to write 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Shelly, Nibbles of Tidbits
alice says
Thanks Jim, Shelly, and Jak for your comments. And yes Jak I am still matching until Sunday night. Truth be told I’m going to give $200 anyways 🙂 but it would be nice to have more people feel compelled to give.
Jim says
You’re a great person and a great writer. I love reading your blog and like that we are friends on Foodbuzz and that we can keep up with one another here in the blogoshere as well.
All the best…Jim – Frugalchef and Musings